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This blog is for anyone who seeks the truth about this world, anyone who's ever wondered is this all there is to life? What happens when I die? Why was I created? This blog aims to answer all these questions and more by applying the word of God and trusting in Jesus Christ. May everyone who comes across this blog be blessed and come to the knowledge of the truth so they can be set free.


I hope and pray that you are all well my beautiful brothers and sisters in Christ. I was thinking of you all recently and how it's almost time for me to start writing again from the hiatus I took. I trust that you are all getting through these trying times and pressing towards the mark of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

These past few months away from the blog have been really something and I mean really. I've learned to trust my God more and more as the days go by and lean not on my own understanding. I've learned to read His Word more and take heed to the commandments given. I've found a deeper love and joy in Christ than I've never had even from the first time I dedicated my life to Christ. I've truly tasted and seen that the Lord is good and that He wants more from me and His Church.

Jesus loves us and He is always fighting battles on our behalf but we need to realise that we can't just sit on the sidelines and watch the Lord fight, we have to be fighting too. We as the Bride of Christ must strive to be more like Christ daily; by forsaking the cares of this world, crucifying the flesh, walking in obedience to His Word. You see it's a war and we have to resolve in ourselves that we are only going forward ever; come tribulation, pain, hardship and persecutions were pressing in. No Matter What we are fighting the battle in the Spirit with the help of the Lord our God.

This is something that I never realised before, that your walk with the Lord has to be strategic and unwavering but the reality is the Word doesn't call it the Fight of Faith for no reason. Your Faith is surely a Fight because we wrestle; not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers, spiritual wickedness in high places. You don't hear that often but look through the Word for yourself and you'll see that it's true this is all out War be not deceived. It's something I've learned and am still learning.

The Lord Jesus is just so Faithful and Merciful to me, I've seen His goodness and compassion during my hiatus like I've never seen before in my life and I almost can't believe it it's that good. I'm just so thankful to the Lord God for never giving up on me, always looking out for me and being my God He is truly awesome and deserves all the honour and adoration we can give. Praise His holy name for the rest of your lives Saints and all who are reading this because He is truly good and worthy to be glorified all day and all night.

At this stage of my life I just want to sit at the feet of Jesus every moment that I get because this life is full of distractions and has a way of taking time from you that belongs to Jesus. As I learn more and grow more I will most definitely write more and share with you all as the good Lord pours into me and leads me to do. I've said in my heart for a long time now the Lord Jesus gave me this blog. He owns everything I just write it and I want to write it with a pure heart. So I'm going to sit at the feet of my King and as He leads I will follow. I truly love you all and want to see you standing with the Lord on that day; without spot, wrinkle or any such blemish. Fight the good fight of Faith Saints.

1 Timothy 6:12                                                                                                                        Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses. 

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