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This blog is for anyone who seeks the truth about this world, anyone who's ever wondered is this all there is to life? What happens when I die? Why was I created? This blog aims to answer all these questions and more by applying the word of God and trusting in Jesus Christ. May everyone who comes across this blog be blessed and come to the knowledge of the truth so they can be set free.


Anger is something that can very well control you, not influence you control you. If you give anger an inch it will take a mile. If you open the door for it it may never leave. Anger can fuel you to do things you never thought you could do or even wanted to do. Anger does not discriminate it can dwell in people of all nationalties, social standings and economic climates. It does not care nor does it tolerate.

I had anger once. It lived in me, was me and wouldn't leave me. I was angry at everything and everyone for what was done to me and what wasn' t done to me. I rationalised my anger daily telling myself I deserved to be angry at the world, why on earth shouldn't I be? Look at them, all of them not living up to my expectations not being who and what I wanted them to be. Of course I was angry. I was angry for a long time. If you told me it was an eternity I would have believed you. It got to a point where I didn't even know why I was angry anymore, I just was angry, I had convinced myself it was  who I was. People can be naturally angry right? Surely there's nothing wrong with that. How very wrong was I.

I was angry because I didn't know God. I hadn't opened up my heart to him and accepted him as my Lord and Saviour. I was angry because I in my infinite stupidity thought that I was someone who deserved I repeat DESERVED a certain type of behaviour from other people. When you realise who Jesus is you fully understand who you are and trust me I deserve nothing from nobody. For years the spirit of anger dominated my life and everything I said and did. People talked to me I would be angry. People didn't talk to me I would be angry. People looked at me I would be angry. Anger was truly within me.  

As always my story didn't end there. My God, Jesus found me in the depths of my anger and saved me. Even though I knew Jesus it took me a long time to fully let go of the anger that dwelt within me but nothing is impossible with God. Through prayers and faith I was set free. 

I have no right to be angry at others at what they do or don't do for me that is not why God made me. Anger stems from a sense of pride. That we deserve something from others around us when in reality we deserve nothing. I repeat nothing. Everything I have everything I am is because of the grace of God. The sins that I have commited are many and God knows each one yet still he blesses me still he loves me. He has given me what I do not deserve therefore I should always look at what I can do and who I can be for others but expect NOTHING of anyone.

The only form of anger that will be tolerated by God is righteous anger. Anger towards the sins of the world and at people who have turned their back on him. This is the only type of anger acceptable to our Lord Jesus Christ but the Bible even this form of anger we should not carry with us further than that day.

The Bible has a lot to say about anger:

James 1:19                                                                                                                                        Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak,slow to wrath:

Ecclesiastes 7:9                                                                                                                                Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: for anger resteth in the bosom of fools.

Ephesians 4:26                                                                                                                                 Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath:

Psalm 7:11                                                                                                                                         God judgeth the righteous, And God is angry with the wicked everyday.

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